Our product starts out at the same size as the roasts you would typically see in the meat case, but just like when you prepare a roast at home – the roast loses moisture and reduces in size – at home this would be illustrated by the juice that is left in your roasting dish when you remove it to carve.
Cooked portions will vary based on moisture loss during the cook cycle – the minimum weight that the roast arrives to store at is 1.2kg. If this is not the case, please follow our quality process below.
Remember when you buy a Riverview Farms Hot Roast Pork you are paying for 100% delicious, juicy pork & mouth-watering crackle! This not always the case with other types of roasts, for example a roast chicken has a high meat to bone ratio and therefore more waste.
Yes! The pork is cooked in the same oven as the chickens, but on separate racks and within its own roasting tray. Remember always place your pork trays at the top of the oven to ensure the best crackle!
The crackle is scored prior to arriving at Coles, however if you think is not to standard, please take a photo of the product a long with the crate label and upload your photo to our Quality management system via our QR code down the bottom of this page.
Yes, the Hot Roast Pork is gluten free.
There could be a few factors that have caused the crackle to go soft,
- Something has covered the crackle during cooking process
- The rind has not had enough moisture removed
- The rind has been under salted
- The oven was not hot enough to get rind to blister
- Little to none score marks on the rind to allow heat and salt to penetrate
Like any hot food, the ideal approach is to eat as soon after purchasing as you can, while the meal is still warm.
We don’t recommend customers reheat the product; however, we have supplied easy to follow re-crackling instructions on the bag.
Our general advice is not to reheat – consume hot or cold. Re-crackle instructions are for re-crackling the crackle, not for re-heating the meat.
We are not in control of the Food Safety process once a customer has taken the product home and reheated.

Pat dry the pork loin with a paper towel
This will remove excess moisture from the skin and will provide the best base to apply the oil and salt to which will help lead to optimal crackle!Spray oil on to the loin for 5 seconds & rub into the loin skin
The oil provides a surface for the salt to stick to. Rubbing it into the skin will open the scoring marks which will aid in drying the skin better.Sprinkle 1 ½ teaspoons of salt equally over the skin surface area, followed by rubbing the salt into the loin skin
Salt helps absorb the moisture out of the skin which results in perfect crackle formationREMEMBER:
To avoid overly salty pork, once the roasts have finished cooking gently scrape off any excess salt from the crackle with a fork.- The Hot Roast Pork needs to be placed on the top shelves of the oven when cooking. This allows more air flow to reach the roast which assists in delivering a juicy pork roast with crispy bubbly pork crackle.
- If there is a bottom tray of roast pork, make sure the crackle is NOT touching the bottom of the tray above as this will not allow the crackle to cook.
- Bag up the chickens first before bagging the Pork roast as this gives time for the fresh air to help set the crackle which will make it even more crisp and crunchy.